Dr. Ania Buigues Llull is a Consultant Ophthalmologist at Barraquer, UAE and has over 15 years of experience in the field of Ophthalmology. She can treat a wide range of eye related conditions and her expertise lies in Glaucoma, Cataract, Orbit, Tear duct, Oculoplastic surgery, Eye lid aesthetic surgery and Botox. Dr. Ania is a European Board Certified Ophthalmologist since 2015. Being a proud recipient of awards in her career, she is also a respected member of various Ophthalmology associations around the world. She has written many chapters in well renowned Ophthalmology books. As part of her humanitarian work, Dr. Buigues has been involved in multiple expeditions in Africa with Barraquer Foundation Dr. Ania has been a part of Barraquer family since 2007.
Professional Activity
- Ophthalmologist in the areas of Glaucoma and Orbit and Oculoplasty at Barraquer UAE Eye Hospital (Dubai).
First Prize Joaquin Rutllán 2011: Recidiva de distrofias estromales tras queratoplastia. Buigues LLul A, Rodriguez Maiztegui I, Alvarez de Toledo J. Instituto Barraquer. Barcelona 2011.
Grant from the Allergan Panamerican Oculoplastics Observer Fellowship in the Oculoplasty, Orbit and Lacrimal Tract Unit with Dr. Ana Rosa Pimmentel at the Hospital Sao Geraldo- Hospital das Clínicas da UFMG in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology (FEBO-CR).
Member of the Barraquer Institute.
Member of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology (SEO).
Member of the Spanish Society of Ocular and Orbital Plastic Surgery (SECPOO).
Member of Spanish Society of Facial Plastic Surgery (SECPF)
Important publications
- Buigues A. Álvarez A. Capítulo Dacriocistitis. Libro para residentes de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología, 2021.
- Belauchi M., Ortega J., Buigues A. Capítulo 59: Oftalmología/ Cirugía Oculoplástica: Libro editorial Panamericana de Anestesia, 2020.
- Buigues Frau V., Buigues Llull A. Capítulo: Historia. Libro: Tratamiento quirúrgico de la vía úveo-escleral. E.Villa Mascarell, J. Vila Arteaga.2017.
- Buigues Llull A., Cobian R., Fernandez-Vega L., Lorente Bulnes B.. Capítulo: “Gonioscopia”. Cirugía de catarata y glaucoma. Ponencia Oficial del SECOIR 2012.
- Buigues Llull A., Canut Jordana M., Samaan M., Ruiz Tolosa F., García Barberán I.. Capítulo: “Gonioscopia en las disgenesias angulares”. Libro: Vila Arteaga J., Vila Mascarell E. Gonioscopia 2012.
Specialist in
Bags under the eyes
Botulinum toxin
Cataract surgery (phacoemulsification)
Droopy eyelid or ptosis surgery
Droopy eyelids
Eyelid malposition
Eyelid microexfoliation
Eyelid ptosis
Eyelid tumours
Fibrin membrane
High myopia surgery
Immunomodulatory therapy
Myasthenia gravis
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction
Orbital decompression
Orbital tumours
Secondary cataracts
Tear duct probing
Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy
YAG laser capsulotomy