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Contant lens - do's and don'ts


Contact lenses play a crucial role in the lives of the people who use them for a better vision. Our experts from Barraquer Eye Hospital, UAE have listed a few points to keep in mind whether you are buying a new pair or are already using the one. Keep the following in mind for healthier, happier vision while using contacts:


  • Always buy your lenses from a certified contact lens practitioner.
  • Always go for FDA approved lenses and solutions.
  • Strictly follow the cleaning regimen explained by your contact lens consultant.
  • Always check for the expiration dates of lenses and solutions.
  • Choose lenses after a thorough eye examination and as per your contact lens consultant's or Ophthalmologist's suggestion.


  • Sleeping with lenses on; never ever sleep with lenses. There is a special lens called extended wear lenses which are the only type of contact lens with which you can sleep. No other type of lens is safe to be worn while sleeping. They block the oxygen supply to your eyes and makes your eyes prone to infections.
  • Taking bath with lenses; Lenses should never come in contact with tap water or anything other than the Contact lens solution which comes with the lenses. You must clean and store lenses only in the lens solution, which is safe on the lens and thus protecting your eye health.
  • So, few may think can't we swim with lenses on? You can swim with lenses if you wear a protective goggle on. So that your lenses don't come in contact with the pool water. Once you finish swimming take the lenses out clean it with your lens solution and wear it back again, just to be on the safer side.
  • Wearing the lenses for too long. It's better to wear your contacts for maximum of 10 to 12 hours per day. Its also better to give your eyes a little break from lenses for a few days in a month.
  • Validity: Each lens has a different shelf life. There are daily wear lenses, biweekly lenses, monthly lenses, and yearly ones. Always stick to the shelf life prescribed by the manufacturer. Never overuse the lenses which may lead to serious infections and problems.

Stay safe and to know more visit Barraquer Eye Hospital's Contactology department.
