The Impact of Diabetes on Corneal Health
Recent studies show us that lately one of the most frequent ophthalmological consultations is for dry eyes and eye strain, the overuse of digital technologies at work and for leisure has increased substantially in recent years, and they are the cause of mostly of the symptoms that patients refer in our clinical practice.
Digital eye strain affects people of all ages, the symptoms may include, pain, blurry vision, heavy eyes, foreign body sensation, itchy and tired eyes.
Can we prevent the eye strain? The key is to try to avoid prolonged overexposure to the devices, so the first advise, is to try to reduce the time in electronical devices. However, it is not always possible, many people spend their entire working day in front of a computer, or laptop and this cannot be changed. Nevertheless, we can make minor changes in our normal practice that can benefit us.
Such as take a rest, the simple rule of 20-20-20, It means, every 20 minutes looking the device, 20 seconds looking at 20 feet, more or less 6 meters (in distance).
Adjusting the light, try to reduce excess brightness and glare, especially if it is fluorescent lighting, try turning off or dimming overhead lights and closing blinds to reduce natural glare. You can also try placing an anti-glare cover over your screen.
Adjust the brightness and the contrast in your computer and reduce the glare in your screen adjust the brightness to match the level of light around you and increase the contrast on your screen.
Adapt your workstation, ideally the monitor needs to be in front of you, it means the screen should be at the level of your eyes with your neck in neutral position.
Confirm a good visual acuity as well as having the glasses (if needed) well corrected for the working distance adapted to the age, and of course do annual checkups of the state of visual health.
Use moisturizers or artificial tears frequently. Your ophthalmologist can tell you which is the most appropriate artificial tear for your needs, but in general terms it would be advisable to use an artificial tear without preservatives, with hyaluronic acid so that it maintains hydration long time and does not leave blurred vision so as not to hinder the work. It could also be beneficial to humidify the environment, consider using humidifiers to add moisture to the air.
Maintain a healthy diet, rich in vegetables, omega 3 and vitamins, as well as remember to hydrate well, drink enough water daily. Eventually some dietetic supplements can help to reduce the eye strain including omega 3, vitamin A, D, B1, B2, B6, B12 and E, and folic acid.
And finally, maintain a restful night's rest, if during the night the eye does not close correctly or you sleep with AC, your doctor can advise you on a gel moisturizer that maintains lubrication during the night, after checking the individual needs of each patient.