Is it bad to rub your eyes?
Our 'Tinguem Vista' project has completed its first year of life and we celebrate it with the announcement of its second cause. With the aim of continuing to contribute to the promotion of a healthy environment and increase public awareness, during 2023 we will collaborate with the Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF).
CREAF is a recognized research centre, both nationally and internationally, which since 1987 has as its main objective to generate knowledge and tools in the field of terrestrial ecology, especially forestry, to improve planning and management of the natural environment, rural and urban.
Tinguem Vista for the Forests of the Future
Climate change and the loss of biodiversity combined with the lack of sustainable forest management and the abandonment of forests have created a lethal cocktail that has led to unprecedented changes in our environment. The increase in temperatures and territorial changes have worsened the health of our Mediterranean forests.
The alliance with CREAF wants to promote intelligent forest management based on science and make us resilient in the face of this uncertain future that we are facing. We will carry out different actions to promote the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable development and the protection of natural resources.
Bet on young talent
In addition, we’d like to make a firm commitment to excellent research and promote young talent. In this sense, Barraquer will contribute to the Impulsa Scholarship Fund in Applied Forest Ecology of CREAF so that a young researcher can continue advancing in his/her scientific research by providing answers and solutions to the greatest challenges we face at an environmental level.
All these actions are focused on helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) promoted by the United Nations. This new cause will contribute to SDG 13, on climate action, and SDG 15, on life on land.