What is 'Tinguem vista'?

Tinguem vista is an initiative of the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre to promote a healthy environment because we are aware of how it affects our own health, in addition to the responsibility we have in protecting it.

We take care of our patients and collaborators, but we want to go beyond the healthcare field to also leave a mark on the planet. Thanks to this campaign, every year we will join forces with leading entities to contribute to different causes through local actions related to the preservation of biodiversity, care for the environment and sustainability.

Protection of biodiversity


Tinguem Vista for the sea

The Tinguem Vista project is consolidated for the third consecutive year with a new collaboration focused on the conservation of marine biodiversity and the maintenance of beaches. On this occasion, together with the Institute of Marine Sciences and, specifically, the EMBIMOS research group, we will contribute to citizen participation in learning and collecting data on marine biodiversity. Within this shared project, we will participate in BioMARató and MINKA, two projects aimed at promoting citizen science in this field.


Tinguem Vista for the Forests of the Future

The second phase of this initiative aims to enhance the well-being of Mediterranean forests. In collaboration with the Center for Ecological Research and Forest Applications (CREAF), we will focus on promoting intelligent forest management throughout 2023. Our efforts will include various actions aimed at raising awareness among citizens about the importance of environmental protection and the preservation of natural resources. As part of the Barraquer project, we will also contribute to the CREAF Impulsa Scholarship Fund in Applied Forest Ecology, supporting a young researcher in advancing their scientific endeavors


Recovery of a specimen of sea turtle rescued by CRAM


The first cause of this initiative has started in 2021 and it is the rescue of an animal belonging to a threatened species. Barraquer has sponsored a Mediterranean turtle, covering the entire process of rescue, recovery and reintroduction to its natural environment. This action has been carried out through a collaboration with the CRAM Foundation, a reference centre for the conservation of marine fauna of the Catalan coast. In September 2022 we were able to witness Bernarda's return to the sea.

Sostenibilidad para impulsar la salud

Una gestión cuidadosa de la biodiversidad resulta clave para un futuro sostenible y vital para la salud de las personas. Por ello, el Centro de Oftalmología Barraquer realiza con esta iniciativa su aportación para ayudar a alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) promovidos por las Naciones Unidas.

En 2022, con el apadrinamiento de la tortuga Bernarda, contribuimos al ODS 14 en la conservación y utilización sostenible de los recursos marinos. En la segunda causa de la iniciativa, iniciada en 2023 junto al CREAF, trabajamos para contribuir a los ODS 13, de acción por el clima, y ODS 15, de vida de ecosistemas terrestres.

