What causes cataracts in the eyes and how to prevent them?
Can I, in some way, prevent styes from coming out? I feel like I get styes frequently (like one or two a year).
The most important thing is the cleaning of the eyelids; this should be done carefully every day with pre-moistened eyelid cleansing pads.
Most styes appear on eyelids that have an inflammation (called blepharitis) in such a way that a red inflamed eyelid predisposes the glands at the base of the eyelashes to become blocked and infected, giving rise to the stye.
The second recommendation and no less important is to use appropriate cosmetics in the base of the eyelashes to avoid infections. In case of itching or redness after its application, you must change the cosmetics. In addition, in case of appearing stye symptoms you should go to the ophthalmologist to assess both the multiple factors that predispose to suffer styes such as dermatological problems, inadequate diet, stress, touching the eyes and a long etc. You should also go to the ophthalmologist to check if the treatment should be with antibiotics or surgery in case that it becomes a cyst (then it is called chalazion).