
Do I need to warm up before playing sport?


A warm-up is essential when it comes to starting any physical activity or sport.

The aims of a warm-up

  • Prepare the body for the activity you're about to do.
  • Gradually increase the heart rate and respiratory rate.
  • Increase blood flow to the muscle groups.
  • Prevent musculoskeletal injuries.


Here are some recommendations to follow for an effective warm-up:

  • Warm up all the parts of the body in an orderly fashion—don't forget about any of them!
  • You should include movements, joint mobility and muscle flexibility.
  • Do it gradually. Start with gentle exercises and increase the intensity little by little ending with exercises that require effort similar to the activity you’re about to practice.
  • Adapt your warm-up to suit the features and type of successive activity to be performed. If necessary, tailor the exercises to work the arms or legs or do explosive and flexibility exercises. 
  • You should try to avoid monotony and boredom by practising different dynamics, so as you’re not tempted to skip it.
  • Generally speaking, your warm-up should be longer and more intense than the activity you’re about to do.

Once you've finished your warm-up, your pulse, respiratory rate and body temperature should have gone up, and you should feel mentally and physically ready to take on the most demanding activity


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