What causes cataracts in the eyes and how to prevent them?
He had vision problems when he started competing at the age of 13. That was almost a decade ago and that is the time that has taken Gabriel Rodrigo, a motorcycle rider, to decide on laser surgery to correct his refractive problems at the Barraquer Ophthalmology Center.
Gabri, as his friends call him, was diagnosed quite lately of myopia, when he was 15, and his vision problems were getting worse. Its sport requires great visual precision in the execution of the movements and the helmet prevents from wearing glasses, so the contact lenses were a safe solution at the beginning.
However, contact lens abuse due to long daily training began to cause irritation in the eyes, discomfort and eyestrain, which was a great handicap as an athlete and added concern: "Many times I forgot them when I was traveling," he laughed.
Finally, after thinking a lot, Gabriel decided to take advantage of the winter break to correct his vision problems with refractive laser surgery. He placed himself in the hands of Dr. Lamarca because many of his relatives were already his patients. The doctor performed the LASIK technique, which in his case was the most convenient technique for a faster recovery, and the results marked a before and after for him: "I think correcting myopia with laser surgery is one of the best decisions that I have taken concerning my health."
At the time of his interview, Gabriel just visited Dr. Lamarca and is ready to leave for Qatar, where it has started the MotoGP World Championship, to compete with the Honda team in the Moto3 category. From Barraquer we wish Gabriel all the luck and we celebrate having helped him to only worry about what really matters to him: the sport.