What causes cataracts in the eyes and how to prevent them?
Strabismus treatment includes different therapeutic options that the specialist ophthalmologist will consider based on each individual. First, we must correct the refractive error, if there is one, using glasses or contact lenses. In some cases, optical correction devices alone may offset the divergence. Second, if amblyopia (lazy eye) develops in the diverging eye, we must restore vision to that eye. To do so, the most effective method involves occlusion of the healthy eye using a patch. Once the optical error and amblyopia have been corrected, should the divergence persist, then surgery will be the next step. Rehabilitation with orthoptic exercises complements the treatment of certain strabismuses, which is the case with a diverging, intermittent strabismus and phoria (latent phoria) that cause the symptomatology (headache, eye fatigue, double vision, etc.). These exercises are going to help to improve cooperation between both eyes. However, we must take into account that in many cases they are a partial solution and must not be replaced by other means established by scientific studies or the daily practice of paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus specialists. The effectiveness of the exercises will depend on proper indication, meaning that before any type of optometric therapy is performed, it is fundamental that the patient is examined by an ophthalmology specialist.