
The most prolific pool of ophthalmologists


Barraquer continues to bet on a comprehensive, generous and at the same time demanding ophthalmology education, also offering multiple opportunities to Resident Interns (MIRs).

It is not by chance that more than 140 specialists have been trained at the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre — more than at any other hospital in our country — and, furthermore, with presence and professional practice in all the Spanish autonomous communities and even outside our borders. Undoubtedly, an unprecedented and commendable teaching work.

Ophthalmology encompasses many subspecialties (ocular surface, cornea, refractive and cataract surgery, strabismus, glaucoma, oculoplastics and vitreoretina, among the most relevant). The main objective of the MIR training program is focused on the student acquiring, over four years, solid knowledge and the general bases —theoretical and practical— of ophthalmology in order to subsequently be able to optionally opt for a subspecialization.

This teaching rigor is only viable through a tutored program and with the collaboration of a team of professional experts willing to transmit all their experience constantly, with dedication and with the support of the best technological means available.

Barraquer continues betting on a comprehensive teaching of ophthalmology, generous and at the same time demanding, also offering multiple opportunities to the MIR who enter his school. Only with the maximum involvement of students and teachers will our pool of ophthalmologists continue to grow successfully.

Dr. Javier Elizalde, Deputy Director of the MIR Teaching Area at ​​the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre

