
Rigid Contact Lenses: Pros and Cons



  • High gas permeability
  • Easier to manipulate (do not turn inside out)
  • Excellent tear exchange during blinking (increased oxygen supply)
  • No parametric limitations (almost all optical powers are manufactured)
  • Astigmatism up to 2-2.5 dioptres are compensated with "normal" designs, cheaper
  • The vision obtained with them is usually better and more stable than with soft lenses
  • Correction of medium/high astigmatism is usually better with rigid than with soft lenses
  • Ideal for correcting irregular astigmatisms or deformed corneas
  • Last longer (they age more slowly than the soft ones)
  • Produce less eye dryness
  • They are the ones that cause less eye problems (less dropouts)
  • End up being cheaper


  • Longer adaptation process
  • Some models have a higher initial cost (finally they are cheaper than the soft ones)
  • May produce corneal (transient) deformation
  • More annoying due to the strong wind. If we wear protective goggles (sunglasses), we reduce the discomfort in these situations
  • Easier for the particles to go under the lens

Related Podcast

Lentillas: claves para hacer un buen uso y evitar complicaciones #8


El uso de lentes de contacto está más que extendido, pero muy pocos lo hacen correctamente. La clave está en la supervisión por parte de un oftalmólogo y un contactólogo. Nos explican todas las recomendaciones nuestro responsable de contactología, Eloi Rodríguez, y el doctor Jose Lamarca.
