What causes cataracts in the eyes and how to prevent them?
In outstanding recognition of her dedication and experience in the field of ophthalmic surgical nursing, Sofía Navarro Santos, a nurse at our centre, has been appointed a member of the Committee of the European Society of Ophthalmic Nurses and Technicians (ESONT) this January.
ESONT, founded in 2003, represents a fundamental pillar within the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS). This committee plays a crucial role in addressing essential issues in the field of ophthalmic nursing and associated technologies. Additionally, it provides a space for communication among ophthalmology professionals who are not part of the medical staff (nurses, optometrists, imaging technicians, operating room technicians, opticians, orthopticians) and promotes the continuous education of this multidisciplinary team to improve patient care. Reporting directly to the ESCRS Council, the ESONT Committee works tirelessly to promote excellence in ophthalmic care at the European level.
Sofia, with an exemplary career at the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre, has demonstrated not only exceptional skills in surgical patient care but also a constant commitment to updating and improving her knowledge in ophthalmic surgical nursing.
The appointment of Sofía Navarro Santos to the ESONT Committee not only recognizes her outstanding work and Barraquer's contribution but also highlights the fundamental importance of ophthalmic nursing in the continued progress of ophthalmology at the European level.