
The step-by-step process of intraocular lens implants for presbyopia


One of the surgical options to correct presbyopia involves replacing the lens with a pseudophakic artificial lens (either bifocal, multifocal, or extended range lenses). These lenses are not suitable for all patients, so a complete preoperative study is necessary.

Can I have surgery?

  • I am over 45-50 years old.
  • I wear glasses or contact lenses.
  • I have established presbyopia.
  • I do not suffer from eye diseases that contraindicate the intervention.
  • I do not take medications that affect the surgery.
  • There are no contraindications after performing the preoperative exams.

Step-by-step of the surgery

The protocol, although it may vary according to the background and evolution of the case, is as follows

First Visit

  • If you wear contact lenses, you must stop using them 48 hours before the visit.
  • Optometric examination: we determine what you can see and how many dioptres you have.
  • Topography: we study the shape of the cornea and determine the most appropriate intervention.
  • Consultation with our ophthalmology team.

Preoperative examinations

The tests can take place at any time between the first visit and the day of surgery, inclusive, depending on the needs of each patient. We conduct a very extensive preliminary study to prepare for the surgery with maximum guarantees and, together with the doctor, decide which intraocular lens is most suitable for your needs.

Day of the Intervention

The operation is outpatient and lasts 20 minutes. It is performed on both eyes separately, with one week between the first and second interventions, a method that enhances the effectiveness of the surgery. You will then stay in a recovery area for 30 minutes and go home with your eye covered for the first 12 hours.

Follow-Up Visits

You will have four postoperative visits: one visit the day after and another one a week after each intervention.


Vision is reasonable the day after the surgery and practically complete within a week.

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Especial presbicia #6


Todos sufriremos la aparición de la presbicia o vista cansada a partir de los 40 años. Aunque su progresión suele resultar incómoda, actualmente disponemos de un amplio abanico terapéutico para que el paciente pueda afrontar esta etapa sin renunciar a su calidad de vida. ¿Qué es la presbicia? ¿Cómo es su tratamiento? ¿De verdad vale la pena operarse? Despejamos todas las dudas.
