
Tips for your vision during pregnancy


During pregnancy, the baby's health is paramount. However, the mother should take care of herself too. So we want to share some tips for your vision to consider during pregnancy.

It is very common during pregnancy to notice a certain dryness in the eyes due to a decrease in the tear secretion by hormonal fluctuations.

  • If you wear contact lenses, you may need to temporarily replace them with glasses.
  • The susceptibility to infections such conjunctivitis, etc. increases because the quality of our tears may be reduced.
  • It is a nuisance that will surely disappear after delivery. Lubricant eye drops will be of great help to relieve it.

There is an increased sensitivity of the eyes to light, compounded by the fact that migraines are also more common among pregnant women.

  • Use lenses with suitable UV protection will improve any discomfort.

There may be swelling of the eyelids in the morning, caused by the same circulatory problems associated with hormonal changes.

An increase in the thickness of the cornea, which can lead to a slight increase in diopters, especially myopia occurs.

  • Even women who have never had vision problems may experience myopia during the gestation period.
  • These changes usually return to their previous values ​​after lactation.
  • Therefore, during these months of pregnancy and lactation, the patient should not change her glasses or contact lenses, or undergo any kind of refractive surgery.

It can also diminish the intraocular pressure, which should be considered in patients with glaucoma.

Special care must be taken with women who have a history of hypertension or diabetes,

  • Especially if a significant decrease in vision is noticed.
  • In particular they must have an eye fundus control throughout pregnancy because complications can arise.

Also in cases of women with medium to elevated myopia,

  • You need to take extra care and take a more comprehensive monitoring of our vision, including the fundus, to avoid any complications, especially during delivery because of the predisposition to complications, being retinal detachment the most severe possibility.
  • Therefore, it is common for gynecologists to insist that pregnant women with myopia (even those who have undergone refractive surgery) attend eye examinations to determine the state of the eye and opt, if necessary, for one type of delivery or another.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to carry out eye examinations during pregnancy, especially if the pregnant patient has had any eye disease or the suffering.

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