What causes cataracts in the eyes and how to prevent them?
Presbyopia or tired eyes is not a pathology, it’s a degenerative process associated with the ageing of the eye, meaning it cannot be prevented. With age, around 40-45, the crystalline lens loses elasticity and therefore its accommodation, causing a loss of acuity in the near vision.
In the majority of cases, it can be corrected by using glasses or contact lenses. It’s also possible to correct it with cornea surgery that uses the latest generation lasers, intraocular lens implants and by analysing, studying and individualising the treatment for each patient.
Dr. Milan Pešić, opthalmolgist at the Barraquer Ophthalmology Center
Todos sufriremos la aparición de la presbicia o vista cansada a partir de los 40 años. Aunque su progresión suele resultar incómoda, actualmente disponemos de un amplio abanico terapéutico para que el paciente pueda afrontar esta etapa sin renunciar a su calidad de vida. ¿Qué es la presbicia? ¿Cómo es su tratamiento? ¿De verdad vale la pena operarse? Despejamos todas las dudas.