
What types of contact lenses exist today in the market to correct a visual defect?

The types of lenses currently on the market allow us to cover almost completely the range of refractive errors and visual problems associated with injuries, side effects after eye surgery, healing therapies associated with medical treatments and, there are also designs that compensate visual defects (Orthokeratology) when it is not possible to undergo surgery or when we seek a temporary effect; as long as we use contact lenses their corrector effect will last.

Tipos de Lentes de Contacto
  • Soft lenses: The most common in the market.
  • Rigid lenses: The lenses that compensate most refractive defects, custom lenses, the most cost effective and healthier.
  • Day use
  • Night use: Orthokeratology.
  • Piggy back: Compensation system through soft lens + rigid lens.
  • Hybrid lenses: Contact lens characterized in that is soft on its periphery and rigid in its central zone.
  • Scleral lenses: Rigid contact lenses of large diameter.
  • Cosmetic lenses: Custom soft contact lenses to help reduce the aesthetic effect of traumatic injury or surgery.
  • Therapeutic lenses: Soft contact lenses that aid in the pharmacological treatment and reduce the aggressiveness of certain injuries.

Eloi Rodriguez

Contact Lens Specialist

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