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Within our #TinguemVista initiative, every year we organize an activity for the centre’s workers to promote a healthier environment and raise awareness about the importance of preserving biodiversity, caring for the environment and sustainability.
Thanks to this year's collaboration with the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC), a few days ago more than twenty participants, Barraquer employees and their families, met on Murtra beach, in Viladecans, where representatives of the EMBIMOS research group of the ICM-CSIC offered us a route to discover the marine biodiversity that exists in the sea and the dunes.
The activity was part of the BioDiverCiutat, an annual citizen participation event that is organized to contribute to the international City Nature Challenge, a global count of urban nature. During the tour, the ICM-CSIC team and the nature guide Evarist March from Naturalwalks taught us to identify flora and fauna of the coastline and metropolitan beaches, such as plants, flowers, shells and remains of marine animals that we can find near the sea.
In addition, they taught us how to use the MINKA platform, a tool available in app and web that is used to record biodiversity photographs and generate a collaborative map. MINKA is used in many environmental projects and one of them is the BioPlatgesMet project. For this reason, the outing was also framed by knowledge and awareness of the ecological value of the dunes on the beaches of the metropolitan area of Barcelona.
To see the photos uploaded to MINKA of the projects where we have contributed, you can consult them here: BioDiverCiutat and BioPlatgesMet, and specifically, here we have our own space where all the photos uploaded by the Barraquer team on Saturday, April 27 are collected.
With this initiative, we continue to join forces with leading entities to contribute to promoting the preservation of biodiversity and improving sustainability through local actions.