
Implantable collamer lenses (ICLs) are refractive lenses also known as phakic IOLs. “The term "phakic" indicates that the eye's natural lens is left intact, while "IOL" stands for intraocular lens, meaning a lens placed inside the eye. ICL lenses are implanted in the posterior chamber, injected through a small incision in the eye, positioned behind the iris (the coloured part of the eye) and in front of the eye’s natural crystalline lens.

This treatment preserves the eye's natural ability to focus because, unlike in cataract surgery where the lens is replaced, these lenses are added to the eye's optical system to enhance its refractive capacity.

What do they correct?

The main objective of this procedure is to correct refractive errors, such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, and to reduce dependence on glasses or contact lenses.

  • High myopia: Myopia is a common refractive error that makes distance vision difficult. When myopia is severe, phakic lenses can provide more precise correction than glasses or contact lenses.
  • High hyperopia. When hyperopia is significant and exceeds the correction limits of other techniques like LASIK, phakic lenses may be a preferable option.
  • Astigmatism: This condition affects the shape of the cornea, causing blurred vision. Phakic lenses can correct both myopia and astigmatism, providing sharper, clearer vision.

Phakic lenses are especially useful for patients who are not candidates for other refractive surgeries, including those with high refractive errors, severe dry eyes, or thin corneas.

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Lentes fáquicas: alternativa a la cirugía refractiva láser #9


Cada vez hay más técnicas para corregir los defectos refractivos del ojo (miopía, hipermetropía y astigmatismo) y no depender de gafas o lentes de contacto. Junto con el doctor Jose Lamarca hablamos de las lentes intraoculares fáquicas, una alternativa muy interesante para los casos en los que no se puede recurrir a la cirugía láser.
