
Your safety the most important thing for us


This Monday, May 11, the scheduled visits of the Barraquer Ophthalmology Center have resumed to continue caring for all patients. After the partial stoppage of non-urgent visits due to the Covid-19, we gradually recovered all activity, both clinical and surgical, under a strict protocol that guarantees the safety of patients and medical staff.

Safety has always been a priority at the Barraquer Centre. That is why we have devoted the last weeks to turning our Center into a safe space where we can now receive you again and serve you with all the guarantees of safety. Thanks to the commitment to digitization, the promotion of telework, the adaptation of spaces and the implementation of a strict health protocol, we are in a position to guarantee your safety and that of all the people who will assist you.

In addition, for your comfort, if you have medical queries you do not have to travel unnecessarily. For this, we put at your disposal a new online chat that allows you to solve any question from home. Try it on the main page of our website:

These are some of the measures and changes that we have implemented:

Changes in our facilities

  • Expansion and redistribution of waiting rooms to guarantee the safety distance.
  • Control of the capacity of the waiting rooms.
  • Restricted access to elevators.
  • Reinforcement of the cleaning and disinfection of the facilities.
  • Disinfection of the consultation between patient and patient.
  • Adaptation of specific rooms for pediatric ophthalmology.
  • Withdrawal of common areas of printed material, such as magazines or information brochures.
  • Covid-19 safety signs in common areas.
  • Increase in the number of hydroalcoholic gel dispensers.
  • Installation of protection partitions in receptions and infirmary.
  • Installation of protection screens in the equipment of the consultations.

Specific procedures

  • Restrictions on access to the Center, access limited to patients with appointment and eye emergencies.
  • Access for companions is prohibited, except for minor or disabled patients.
  • Patient questionnaire about possible exposure to Covid-19.
  • Reschedule of appointments with more widely spaced visits.
  • Ophthalmic shifts distributed on different floors.
  • Implementation of the new Covid-19 protocol for patient access and reception at the Center.
  • Delivery of a bag to patients so they can store their belongings.
  • PCR and IgG (antibody test) to all preoperative patients.
  • Specific protocol for Covid-19 positive patients.
  • Access control with specific regulations for collaborating external companies.
  • Commercial visits and suppliers prohibited.

Our staff

  • Protective equipment approved according to the work they do.
  • Regular health examinations.
  • Administrative staff continue to telework, reducing the number of staff at the Center.
  • Covid-19 specific continuous training for personnel.

If you have to come to our Center, we recommend that you bring your own mask, arrive on time for your visit and try to go alone to avoid crowds. In the case of presenting respiratory symptoms or fever, we recommend that you reschedule your visit.

We look forward to seeing you soon!
