What Are Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are the folds in the skin that appear on everyone's face as part of the natural process of ageing.

Although they form physiologically and do not compromise the cutaneous function, these signs of ageing are the main reason for a cosmetic consultation as patients are demanding and both men and women want to look as young on the outside as they feel on the inside.

To get satisfactory results from your treatment, entrusting a specialised medical team that knows the oculofacial anatomy perfectly, works with high quality products, personalises each case and administers the right treatment dose to each patient is fundamental since no two patients have the same requirements. There is a wide variety of options when it comes to improving your appearance and smoothing out wrinkles without having to go under the knife, regardless of their typology:

  • Forehead wrinkles
  • Wrinkles between the brows or worry lines
  • Crow's feet
  • Upper eyelid wrinkles
  • Cheek wrinkles
  • Nasolabial fold or laugh lines
  • Marionette lines
  • Wrinkles at the corners of the mouth
  • Barcode wrinkles
  • Horizontal necklines, also known as Venus rings

When do wrinkles appear?

Although there are many factors that influence the evolution of our wrinkles such as genetics, a healthy lifestyle or an emphasis on gesticulation, they appear on everyone’s face as time goes by. The skin's loss of collagen and elasticity  as well as the effect of gravity, causes them to show up slowly and gradually.

AGE 30 
The first expression lines usually appear between the ages of 25 and 30, although they may do so before or after depending on the individual's expressiveness as these first muscles emerge due to muscle activity and repetitive gestures such as frowning or smiling a lot. They mainly appear in the periorbital area (eye contour) the upper third of the face (forehead) and the peribuccal area (around the mouth). When these dynamic wrinkles appear, it’s time to undergo preventive treatment.
AGE 40 
Around this age, more marked gravitational wrinkles appear that are usually a consequence of the natural process of ageing due to reduced adipose tissue, vascular degeneration and bone atrophy. At this stage, dehydration is also accentuated and the dermis loses tone and luminosity. The skin becomes rougher and drier.
AGE 50 

The signs appear when resting, regardless of facial mimicry, visible even when not gesturing, and will become more pronounced as the years go by. These static wrinkles are caused by the skin’s fatigued structures, which lose tissue volume, collagen and elastin and become visibly finer and floppier.

Treatment for wrinkles

Along with a healthy lifestyle and use of the right medical cosmetics for each type of skin, cosmetic medicine is key for maintaining good quality skin and reversing the signs of ageing. 

Placing yourself in the hands of specialised professionals who use high quality products and respect facial dynamics is fundamental for optimum integration of the treatments and synchronisation with the facial expression. Barraquer has a wide range of treatments for all types of wrinkles that give a rejuvenating effect and extol natural beauty:

Professionals who treat this pathology

Frequently asked questions

  • Con la edad vamos perdiendo colágeno y fibras de elastina, motivo por el cual nuestra piel va perdiendo firmeza y se vuelve más frágil. También empezamos a perder ácido hialurónico y se reduce la densidad de la piel. Esta pérdida de elementos produce pliegues que acaban originando las arrugas.

  • Las arrugas son una manifestación del envejecimiento fisiológico de la piel, es decir, que se trata de un proceso natural que no se puede evitar que ocurra. Aunque no podemos impedir su aparición, sí que podemos minimizarlas mediante ciertos tratamientos.
