Barraquer Foundation: collaboration with Esade Alumni
Through its “Mirem per tu” programme, the Barraquer Foundation is continuing to provide eyecare to the city's most vulnerable groups and extending its network of partner organisations to include the Proyecte Home Catalunya Foundation. Their mission is to promote the autonomy and dignity of those trying to treat and prevent drug addiction and other addictive behaviour. The work of the Proyecte Home Catalunya Foundation is based on four main lines of action: treatment, addiction prevention, social and laboral insertion and awareness. Each of these lines of action comprises different programmes and activities that take in more than 1,500 people across the organisation’s seven centres in Catalonia (Tremp, Balaguer, Tortosa, Montcada i Reixac, Montgat, Tarragona and Barcelona).
Pursuant to the recently signed agreement, the Barraquer Foundation will ensure the eye health of people using the Proyecte Home Catalonia Foundation who have vision issues and will do so by performing check-ups at the organisation itself. The cases that require treatment will then be seen to at the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre and prescription lenses will be provided to those who need them.