
Eye care help for people safeguarded by Associació Malla


The latest organisation to join the Barraquer Foundation's “Mirem per tu” programme is Associació Malla. It has been working in Barcelona for more than 15 years to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual functioning diversity to whom it provides support, guaranteeing and protecting their assets and rights, preventing situations of neglect and offering legal advice to users, families and professionals.

From January, people safeguarded by the Associació Malla who have eye issues will be able to go to the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre to receive treatment for eye pathologies or go directly to a General Óptica store if they have optometric issues or need prescription glasses.

This is the Barraquer Foundation's way of doing its bit to contribute to meeting the main objective of the Associació Malla: improving as much as possible the quality of life of people with intellectual functioning diversity who do not have the resources to treat their eye problems.

Dr. Álvarez de Toledo, patron of the Barraquer Foundation, and Ms. Mónica Agustí Ripoll, representative of the Associació Malla, signed the partnership agreement in December at the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre facilities.
