
The Barraquer Foundation, with the Pineda School students


The family of beneficiary entities of the “Mirem per tu” program continues to grow with the incorporation of the Pineda Foundation, a private institution that, among many other educational, cultural and social activities, offers scholarships and aid to families with fewer resources than the school that bears the same name.

The Pineda school, located in Hospitalet de Llobregat, is a center agreed by the Generalitat of Catalonia that includes all educational stages, from primary to high school, offering quality training to families in most of the Gornal neighborhood. The current crisis caused by covid-19 has affected many families in the school dedicated to catering, hospitality and small businesses, in these cases aggravating their economic situation to the point of not being able to cover, on some occasions, their needs more basic.

From the Barraquer Foundation we want to do our bit to improve the quality of life of the Pineda school students, offering free ophthalmological and optometric assistance to those who have visual health problems and do not have the necessary resources to treat themselves.

On November 26, Chantal Fernández, Manager of the Pineda Foundation, and Dr. Mª Isabel Canut, patron of the Barraquer Foundation, formalized the collaboration agreement in the facilities of the Barraquer Ophthalmology Center.
