
Check-up day at the Ared Foundation


On Friday 31 January, a team from the Barraquer Foundation went to the Ared Foundation facilities to perform ophthalmic and optometric check-ups on its users as part of the ‘Mirem per tu’ project. A total of 36 patients were seen, 16 of whom (44.4%) had good eyesight.  Another 17 (47.2%) would have to attend a General Óptica store over the next few weeks to undergo a more exhaustive check-up, to determine their prescription and get prescription glasses, if required. Lastly, possible pathologies were detected in 3 patients (8.3%), who were referred to the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre to be seen by the appropriate specialist in each case.

The day—the first of 2020—was an organisational success, thanks to the extraordinary work of our colleagues at the Ared Foundation, who made our task so much easier, and to the collaboration of the people in attendance, who were keen to participate at all times.

We are very thankful for the selfless collaboration of Dr. Alba Gómez and Dr. Clara Álvarez de Toledo, of the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre, and Elena Navarro, optometrist at General Óptica.

