
Collaboration with the Albert Foundation


Despite the difficulties caused by the covid-19 pandemic, the Barraquer Foundation's “Mirem per tu” program continues to grow to help, as far as possible, the most vulnerable groups in the city; Within these groups there are some, such as children at risk of social exclusion, who have been particularly affected by the health and economic crisis that we are experiencing.

For this reason, the entity's board of trustees has decided to prioritize care for children with few resources in 2021, signing new alliances with social entities that work specifically in this field of action. Obviously, we will continue to serve all types of patients and help users of the more than twenty organisations that are part of the program, but in the face of this new year that has just begun, we want to pay special attention to those children in our environment that they are having the worst in these moments of difficulty. The abuse of screens in recent months can have negative consequences for the visual health of the little ones, and taking into account that pathologies detected before the age of 8 are much easier to correct, we believe that it is important to work on prevention and early detection. Visual health problems are also one of the main causes of school failure in our country, all the more reason to focus on a group that deserves our full attention.

Following this line, last December we formalized the agreement with the Albert Foundation, an entity that has been working since 2014 in the Ciutat Vella district of Barcelona to promote equal opportunities and social integration that allows families to achieve their autonomy. The Albert Foundation has a completely renovated and equipped building in which different programs and activities are carried out each year through which, since its inception, a thousand children in vulnerable situations have already been cared for.

Dr. Javier Elizalde, Patron of the Barraquer Foundation, and Mr. Josep Espelt, President of the Albert Foundation, signed the collaboration agreement at the facilities of the Barraquer Ophthalmology Center, thus initiating a relationship that, surely, it will be long-lasting and very beneficial for both parties.

