Barraquer Foundation: collaboration with Esade Alumni
As a result of the cooperation agreement recently signed as part of the ‘Mirem per tu’ programme, the Barraquer Foundation is offering eyecare assistance to Hogar de María users who have eye problems, but cannot afford to pay for the treatment their conditions require.
Founded in Badalona in the year 2015, the Hogar de María association supports women who are pregnant or have new-borns of any race, religion or social status, who do not have enough personal, family or economic resources and who face difficulty during pregnancy or motherhood. The organisation offers different types of help to its users for the first few years of the baby's life: career guidance (with training and job opportunities), services from different professionals (psychologist, lawyer, social worker, social educator...) and cover for basic necessities (food, hygiene and cleaning products, nappies, buggies...).
The work carried out by this organisation in just 4 years is highly commendable, and at present it already has three care centres up and running (in Badalona, Barcelona and Hospitalet de Llobregat) where they help more than 100 women at risk of social exclusion.