
How to make healthy ice creams?


Some ideas to make homemade, healthy and creamy ice cream

When the temperature rises, an ice-cream is definitely one of the most appetising desserts or snacks. At the moment, the majority of the options on the market are not healthy as they contain harmful refined sugar, colourings and/or fats, so they should only be consumed occasionally.

However, making homemade ice-cream is really easy. They are 100% healthy and you can enjoy endless flavours if you’re willing to give it a go. 

The idea is to combine fruit (washed, peeled and frozen) with milk or a sugar-free plant-based milk and natural aromatics such as crushed nuts or a nut cream, natural cocoa powder, vanilla, spices like cinnamon or cloves, lemon or orange rind and/or aromatic herbs such a mint or lemon verbena.


Here are some ideas for homemade, healthy and creamy ice-creams. You’ve just got to blend the ingredients together and serve immediately. The amounts of each ingredient may vary depending on your individual palate.

  1. Strawberrie ice-cream: frozen strawberries, mint leaves and natural Greek yoghurt
  2. Banana ice-cream: frozen banana with oat milk and cinnamon or coffee
  3. Mango ice-cream: Frozen mango with natural soy yoghurt
  4. Banana with peanut ice-cream: Frozen banana with peanut butter and pure cacao
  5. Red berries ice-cream: Frozen red berries with whipped cream cheese and lemon rind

Another option is an ice lolly or sorbet. To do this, mash up any previously frozen fruit or a mix of them and voilà! A rich natural sorbet full of vitamins and antioxidants is all yours.  

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