What causes cataracts in the eyes and how to prevent them?
Eye injuries in children caused by accidents are relatively common and can lead to irreversible low vision.
It is important to differentiate between injuries that occur at home and those that occur during sports activities. The most common causes in the family environment include:
In sports, the most frequent cause of eye injuries is direct contusion to the eyeball, either from fists, elbows, or a medium/small sized ball that hits the eye directly.
Many injuries can be avoided with common sense and appropriate preventive measures:
If you have an ocular contusion, go to an emergency ophthalmology centre to check for any intraocular damage. If the accident involves a chemical product entering the eye, first rinse thoroughtly for 20 minutes with saline solution or, if not available, with cold tap water. This helps dilute the substance, shorten the contact time with the eye, and normalize the pH. After rinsing, urgently visit an ophthalmologist. An exception is powdered lime, which must be removed with oil; do not use water or saline solution, as it transforms into quicklime when combined with water.
Dr. Anna Monés, ophthalmologist at the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre